- 100% organic
- fresh from the farm
- 100% organic
- fresh from the farm
- 100% organic
- 100% organic
- fresh from the farm
Start a thriving and profitable berry farm by using innovative above-ground hydroponic systems. Grow delicious raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries with Kokosflora coir substrate, offering a sustainable and soil-free way to cultivate fresh, high-quality berries.
With over 10 years experience guiding berry growing into the latest growing methods, we are here to help you grow your best berry crop in coir substrate.
Upgrade your strawberry farm with our advanced, soilless growing systems for higher yields & modern harvesting techniques.
Upgrade your raspberry farm with our advanced, soilless growing systems for higher yields & modern harvesting techniques.
Upgrade your blueberry farm with our advanced, soilless growing systems for higher yields & modern harvesting techniques.
Upgrade your blackberry farm with our advanced, soilless growing systems for higher yields & modern harvesting techniques.
Partner with Kokosflora for the highest quality coir substrate. Plus, you will receive step-by-step growing instructions, technical documents and ongoing support.